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Sneak Preview

Join us for a SNEAK PREVIEW of a groundbreaking documentary that documents the lives of those with Lewy Body Dementia and their caregivers. This moving new film by award-winning filmmakers Deirdre Fishel and Tony Heriza provides a rare opportunity to learn more about Lewy Body Dementia, the challenges of dementia caregiving, and the critical role of community support. This screening will be offered in partnership with local organizations, such as Central Florida Lewy Body, working with people living with Lewy Body and their care partners. The screening will also be helpful to caregivers and organizations supporting all types of dementia sufferers.

Sat, Sep 21st, 2:30 PM

@ Winter Park Library

1052 W. Morse Blvd. | Winter Park, FL 32789

Year: 2024
Runtime: 1 H
Country: USA
Director: Deirdre Fishel,Tony Heriza

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